Friday, June 09, 2006

Ok, there seems to be some confusion as to the purpose of this exercise and what the rules are.

1) We are setting out to see if a small strike force of BG players can own the Horde n00bs of Khaz Modan.

2) The initial plan was to have about 6 hunters who could absolutley dominate the mid field of War Song Gulch. We thought about it and decided that would be bad. So you can be whatever you want to be. But we'd like to have at least 3 hunters. I think we have that, so every position is open.

3) You can twink your player all you want, spend your gold anyway you want and obtain your gold anyway you want. I personally frown upon buying it from websites though... :-P

4) We want you to play characters you enjoy playing and then we want you to learn to play that character in the Battle Grounds.

Here is who I have as our current BG SMASH warriors

Olla - Hunter
Turbulent - Hunter
Brimas - Hunter
Shadowpeeg - Priest
Morlo - Rogue
Corandra - Warlock
Meranda - Warlock


Blogger Lindax said...

ok. i have a lvl 34 hunter, Saami, that can join us if we choose.

8:14 PM  

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