Thursday, June 08, 2006

Our Mission, as I see it...

Like Hillary, I want to do it because it's there, and also because I want to prove that a little bit of money, a lot of preparation and some teamwork can go a long way.

The plan is simple - I want each of us to roll an alt that we'll spec and gear up specifically to be a twink in the 10-19 WSG BG. We may ultimately move into succeeding decades, but for now, I'm focused on seeing how well we can prepare for a specific evaluation - 10-19 BG - and then achieve the highest rankings as a group.

I don't know all the classes well, so I'm suggesting we need everyone's input and research to do this well, but here's my thought on an optimal start:

3 or 4 players with minions - hunters or warlocks
2 players with fear capability - priests or warlocks
2 players with shield capability - priests or palladins
2 or 3 players with slowing capabilities - druids (root), warriors (hamstring), hunters (wingclip, concussive shot), mage (frostbolt)
1 or 2 players with speed options - rogues, hunters
1 or 2 players with DPS - rogues seem optimal for this level, but I've seen mages and warriors hold up here too.

Obviously, there's overlaps, and we're not necessarily going to be the perfect group. That's okay. But the goal is for everyone to get their character to 18, and then we'll set a date and time to go in together to see how we've done.

From my reading, Stamina is perhaps the most important buff to look for, since it directly increases HP. I'm working on getting Slipperypeet up to lvl 35, so that he can be our guild enchanter - we'll need +Sta buffs our equipment, and fiery enchants for our weapons. I've begun stockpiling the mats for the fiery.

What would be great is if everyone were to do three things:

  1. Read some of the material below and then post the class you want to play, and then post some of the items you think you're looking for. I'll watch the AH for cheap bargains. Pay attention to the suggestion of choosing Engineering so that you can wear the fancy goggles that have the high +STA buff. We may want to put together a power levelling plan so that everyone can grind out 125 engineering points if it makes sense.
  2. Be aware that some of the really esoteric buffs are going to require us to do some runs with our higher level alts - the Westfall Tunic, for example, will require us to run Deadmines with several high level folks sheparding some 15 and 16s through, so that they can get the reward after killing Van Cleef. VC is a chain quest, so plan accordingly.
  3. Be thinking about the enchant buffs you think you'll need - we'll have to buy mats, and that could take some time.
I know this sounds a bit like work. That's not my goal - this should be fun. On the other hand, I want SMASH to break into the BG like a rogue wave - high, fast, unexpected and deadly! The Hordies won't know what hit them...


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