Thursday, June 08, 2006

OK -

Here are some resources we all need to study. Blizzard's Forums are woeful for reliability, so some of these are surely going to break, but even so, it should give you a good idea of what we're talking about with SMASH.

A guide to creating a lvl 19 twink.

A guide to creating a lvl 29 twink, inspired by the guide above

A compilation of the optimal lvl 19 gear, and a recompilation by the same author. I'm not sure which is more complete - I think the first, but the second is shorter.

Here's a counter-opinion to the task we've taken on - in essence the argument is that pvp guilds and their ability to join as a grou are a detrimental addition to the BGs because of the inequity it creates for PUG players. I've been on both sides of this, so I see the concern, but I figure that's the beauty of choice - you get to choose how you want to play.

And finally, here's a fascinting thread on what happens when BGs take over your life. Read it and know the peril that awaits us...



Blogger Lindax said...

Aw, bullpucky. I've been dumped into a BG with a core PVP guild group. THey whined the whole time about the rest of us, but they didn't manage to win, even with a majority of the team. Keep an eye out for Clan10.

It's just a game w/in the game, just like cornering the mats in AH, eh Eric? lol.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

Are we sure we want to do this?

10:52 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

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10:53 AM  

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