Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So Cainne and Turbulence hit 45 last night; maybe Deliana did as well, I'm not sure as I went to bed as she was still grinding, it's kind of cool to have caught Turb up to these rarified heights of leveling. When we started this adventure on this server, Cainne and Bountyhunter were a good 20 levels ahead of Deliana and me. But the Sunday Morning Group, as I like to think of it, is pretty much all the same level. It isn't often that as a group we have four players around half a level of each other. What's even rarer is that we play well together, although I have to admit that having Twinkleheal with us allows us a lot of flexibility to mess up. Being very squishy I should have died a lot more than I have, but between Deliana and Twink, I live, barely. :)

As Adam moves into his Horde character more and more, we may have to pseudo replace him with another, but it seems like Laura is catching up anyway... So far Smash has been a good guild. We have a lot of the large guild benefits, but without the drama. We may not be the most talkative lot on guild chat, but at least it's a safe haven a place for us to complain about the game, or it's players, with a group of supportive other 'toons. As such, this is pretty much what I wanted from this guild. We have a core of players, some are catching up to the upper levels and you can even get help for elite quests when you need it.

There may be others you want in the guild with us, I'm ok with that, but here is the new guild member policy. An officer can add a player to the guild as the "Wants to Smash" rank. A new guild member must be the "Wants to Smash" rank for at least two weeks. At the end of these two weeks two or more officers must decide if the "Wants to Smash"er should be Promoted to "Like's to Smash" or booted from the Guild.

So far I have kicked one player out of this guild for his dishonesty. I blame myself for pretty much making Eric decide if this player was truly Smash material by himself. My thought process was "This guy wants to PvP let Eric decide." No more, the above policy is the policy we will follow from here on out. The decision to keep a Guildy shouldn't have to fall on one person. That's why I want to have officers discuss new members and how they are doing.


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